Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Yet Another" Quote for Thought

     On my internet homepage, I have a box that has random quotes that people have made. A little while ago I had posted one such quote, and now I have "yet another."
     This quote is one, that upon face value is rather comical: but when you get deeper, it loses it's lite aura, and it ought to raise some alarm with people, because of the truth (or fact,) which it so wittingly presents.
     And so, without further ado; I give you, The Quote:
"Another possible source of guidance for teenagers is television, but television's message has always been that the need for truth, wisdom and world peace pales by comparison with the need for a toothpaste that offers whiter teeth *and* fresher breath."
  - Dave Barry
     This truth (or fact,) is not that the TV ought to be a source of guidance, but that it too often IS their source of guidance. And the danger comes from the constant bombardment of it's hellish programming, which does little more than molest the minds of the young and old alike: Ah-hem, I said, "young and old alike". What with the in-your-face attitude of this rebellious and vanity stricken world, constantly proclaiming your "need" for this new thing, or that new look, or "their" acceptance, or a slimmer waist, or a boyfriend or girlfriend, to truly enjoy this life; and that, without "it," well... then you'll never really reach what they insist your dreams should be.
     And all of these absolutely worthless wares are being purposely and perpetually thrust before the eyes, thus into the mind, thus securing it a place in the consciousness and sub-consciousness of their audience. And get this, it's all "For your viewing pleasure!"
     Well now, isn't that just so sweet of them? they're thinking of (you)??

     I am reminded of what David wrote:
"I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me."  - Psalm 101:2b-3
     As Christians, this world is not our home, nor are we to have any place for it in our hearts. What was it that John wrote?
"Love not the world, neither the things of the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever."   - I John 2:15-17
     The will of God cannot found on TV; nor is to be found in the news; nor in social circles: the will of God is to be found in His Word with much prayer and searching.
     The fact is, that the will of God and the will of the world are at war with each other. The world is following after Satan's agenda. And sadly, many professing Christians are too.


  1. Amen, keep telling it straight.

  2. Hey, in your blog settings you can open it up so people can post without having an ID. It is not that way by default, so you might want to open it up or most people would not be able to comment.
