Sunday, February 6, 2011

Question: What is a Christian?

  •      What defines an individual as a Christian? 
  •      Must a person exhibit certain qualities, or must one simply be saved to be known as a Christian?

     With the flippant manner in which the word is used in today's times, I thought it good to ask the question, "What is a Christian?"

     I would like for anyone and every one who reads this to leave what they believe a Christian is or what a person must be before being named a Christian.

     I will leave this up for a few days before continuing further.

     P.S. Tell others to stop by and leave their comments.


  1. Is this a trick question?? :) I'm not sure if you mean "What is a Christian?" or "What should a person be like in order for others to know that he/she is a Christian?"

    If you mean "What is a Christian?", then of course my answer would be a saved person.

    But if when you ask, "Must a person exhibit certain qualities... to be known as a Christian?" (as in: known to others as a Christian), then yes, I certainly think that a person has to exhibit certain qualities in order for others to realize that he/she is a Christian.

    The majority of people that I know would claim to be a Christian, and the majority of those people show no outward evidence of being saved. You are so right about "the flippant manner in which the word is used in today's times"!

  2. Just found out that you have a blog!!! Must check out the churches member connections more often. A christian is someone who has accepted Christ as savior and believes that Christ alone and His shed blood is what saves them. There should be evidence of one's belief as well... the fruit as we often say. Can one claim to be a christian and live a life of sin, without ever having any evidence of being saved??? I don't believe so....
